Advertise with us

Dear Business Manager,

The Charlotte Civic Orchestra sells advertisements in our concert programs. It is for a good cause: The Charlotte Civic Orchestra is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, volunteer organization that has been playing for more than 30 years in the greater Charlotte area. 

There is always a lot of buzz and interest in the the upcoming concerts, so we hope you will consider joining us to hear the music.  Our concerts attract a diverse audience, but our core following is mainly upper middle-class clientele.  It is a captive audience and we only have a few short pages in the printed color program, so they will surely see the ad for a long duration. Coupons, or other incentive, may help generate interest in your business or a graphic and slogan. 

CCO Concert Ad Sizes & Prices:

Click this link to see an example (pdf) >> Sample Program <<

  • A: 1/3 page     (5.25” wide x 2.75” tall)  $300
  • B: 1/2 page     (5.25” wide x 4” tall )       $500
  • C: Full Inside page (5.25” wide x 8.25” tall)   $900
  • D: Full Back page (5.25” wide x 8.25” tall)    $1500  (limited availability – speak to office)
  • E: Online banner ad in CCO email announcements (800px x 200px) $1000 – in 8 email distributions and on CCO website for six months.

FAQ Information:

  • Our performance season consists of 4 main concerts throughout the year – Fall, Christmas, Spring, and Summer. If you join our season advertising now, you will get ads placed in the next 4 upcoming concerts.
  • Program page panels are 8.5” tall x 5.5” wide inches each (8.5”x11” letter paper in landscape folded in half for two panels per sheet) with a margin around the edge.
  • Programs are in full color on medium weight stock.
  • Subject matter recommendation – ads may mention their business support the orchestra, the arts, or love music, or use a graphic that is musical to match the spirit of the event such as baroque art, music note, treble-clef, violin, or the business logo itself.
  • Coupons may be incentive for patrons to visit your business.
  • Prepay is preferred. If an invoice is required, invoice to be paid within 30 days, must be paid prior to first print date.  
  • We can make a simple ad using your business logo and text, or use an ad graphic that you provide from your own marketing. *.Jpeg, *.Gif, *.Png, or *.Pdf file formats are acceptable
  • Deadline to submit ad artwork is 2 weeks prior to each concert, by sending your files to our marketing director.

Purchase Advertisement 

Fill out the form below online and email to


Copyright © Charlotte Civic Orchestra 2025